essential elements

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Jesus at the Center

three levels of integration

Individually - through a daily, intimate relationship with Jesus.

Corporately - at the local church level.

Nationally - as a Mission Society.

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Adaptable Structures

Contextually informed

The institution, whether mission society or local church, is here to serve you, not to bind you. We are adaptable to our context of ministry and practice a living tradition - "Anglican" is the adjective; not the noun.

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Networked Alliances

walking together

Mission churches are knit together by visionary, servant leadership that is interdependent - we intentionally walk together, no one is alone. Like-minded churches - inside and outside of the Mission - network together for the building of the Kingdom of God

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Outreach Multiplication

apostolic emphasis

We are moving from a pastoral to an apostolic emphasis and model as a mission. We seek to live the Great Commandment and Great Commission in ways that reflect the servant heart of God and his concern for the most vulnerable and needy.

Not everyone is gifted to plant churches. We encourage, therefore, the making of disciples, pastoring, as well as growth of established churches according to the strength and gifts represented in the leadership there.

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Active Participation

A Micro-Macro Strategy

We believe in the "priesthood of all believers," where everyone is actively serving in ministry to the church body and outside of it in our homes, schools, workplaces and broader communities.We practice a "micro-macro" strategy - promoting discipleship and mission at the individual and small group levels that will enable healthy growth of our churches and other apostolic works.

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Holy Spirit Empowerment

central to change

Spirit-empowerment is not an option; but central to personal and corporate change and growth. The Holy Spirit empowers us so that we can empower others "for the common good." Empowerment, discipleship and leadership development happen in community where we discover, train, coach and release one another to minister out of our unique gifts, personalities and callings.



A culture of family

With God as Father and Jesus as brother; we participate in shared mission as family. We value transparency and vulnerability and embrace the messiness that accompanies a relational culture. Following Jesus is a lifestyle, not a program, and is the life of our mission.  Individual churches reflect this.