Sunday Gathering
9:30 AM – sunday worship service
Location: 1036 McNicoll Ave., toronto, on
What Matters Most to Us...
To be God's blessing among those we serve.
What can I expect if I visit?
You will see people young and old coming together,
loving and following Jesus as a one big family.
A Story of Our Life Together...
Emmanuel is not only the name of our church, but also our testimony as to who He is. He is indeed "God with Us". We have the faith of a mustard seed, but the Lord has done infinitely more than we can ever imagine by inviting us and challenging us to be a part of the Vintage Garden Community -- a senior housing complex that serves the Chinese community in Toronto.
Our Staff
Reverend Edmund Ho and his wife and family faithfully serve
the people of Toronto Emmanuel Church in Toronto.
Why are you part of the Anglican Mission in Canada?
We were initially a church-plant from Richmond Emmanuel Church, BC until 2015. We are committed to the vision of AM Canada in Discipleship and Mission through Church-planting.
1036 McNicoll Ave., Toronto, ON
Website address:
Skyline of Toronto, Ontario
the site of Toronto Emmanuel Church